Bookmarks as a Reset Button -Power BI

Bookmark With Power BI A bookmark records the current state of a report page. It includes the settings you’ve made to the filters, slicers, and visuals on that page. Once you customize the report page to your liking, give it a friendly name. You can now easily return to that state of the report page. When you click a bookmark, Power BI returns you to that view. Type of Bookmark: There are two sorts of bookmarks: Personal and Report To record the current state of a report page, you can add bookmarks when editing a report in Power BI Desktop and the Power BI service. The current filters, slicers, cross-highlighted visuals, sort order, etc. are saved in bookmarks. Personal and report bookmarks are the two different categories. Report bookmarks are created and used in this article. When you add bookmarks to a report, everyone who views the report can return to exactly where they left off by choosing the saved report bookmark. Let’s do it from scratch so that in order to do a redo and so if I want to do it from the sketch let me just remove it. Steps to follow in Power BI : Step: 1- Process to add bookmark The first step would be to go to View and create the bookmark. I will add a bookmark, which means the present status of my report over there will be saved at this bookmark. By default, it will give it a name called ‘Bookmark 4’, change this to a meaningful name that also describes the filter context. I’ll call this one reset-2. How to rename the bookmark button: Firstly, go to the view after that add the bookmark and click the bookmark in order to change the name. With the help of the option called rename, change the name to whatever relevant. In essence, a bookmark records the status of a report page, including any filtering modifications you may have made to the slicer and graphics there. Step: 2-Process to add a reset button The Second Step would be to go to insert and insert the button, we have picked an already available reset button. Go to the format > Action > and then pick Bookmark as Type and select the Reset 2 as the destination bookmark. Power of reset button: Now that you want to return as quickly as possible to the default state—the state in which everything is as it should be—this reset button enables you to do so. Remember in this case we are not going to give particular filters because we are creating a reset button so there is no need for that although you can save individual status as well. In this case, we are making the default button that will take you to all, so we won’t make any specific changes to the filter. You can have a button that will have a data set that represents corporate and home office only so you can have one button over there saying that the consumer and corporate you do have multiple users. When to Use Navigator instead: Please go to insert and select the button there is something called Navigator bookmark. If we have several bookmarks over there, in this case, we can even remove this one and this will serve as a wonderful button over there that will enable you to navigate It. The navigator looks really classic, glad to have such a button at the top. Reset button with tableau: With tableau, you have to create a separate sheet over there itself and then make use of action. I hope this post was helpful for you and it will help you to know more about the bookmark and its uses through Bookmark with Power BI. Check out the video on Reset Button with Tableau. Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp
Text/Sentiment Analysis with Power BI

In Power BI, you can use AI Insights to gain access to a collection of pre-trained machine learning models that enhance your data preparation efforts. AI Insights is accessed in the Power Query Editor, and its associated features and functions are accessed through the Home and Add Column tabs in Power Query Editor. Remember that Text analysis with Power BI is much easier with respect to Tableau. You don’t even need to install Python. The AI-enabled feature is embedded with Power Bi but not with Tableau. How to get Dataset For sentiment analysis, we need some feedback or comments. So, here, we’ll extract comments from my own youtube video. Copy the youtube video URL and paste it on export comments to extract the video’s comments. After pasting the URL, click on the export process, and now the file is ready to download. Click on the download file. Steps to follow in Power BI – Step 1: Let’s open Power BI and do it from scratch. Click on Get Data and select Excel workbook. Step 2: Select the table from the left bottom shown in fig.To transform the data, click on Transform Data. Step 3: Now, we’ll remove the top rows. Click on remove rows, and select remove top rows. Step 4: Specify the number of rows you want to remove. Here, we’ll write 2 to delete the top two rows. Step 5: Now, we’ll make the first row as headers. To transform, click on Transform and then select ‘use the first row as headers. Step 6: Click the columns which you want to remove. After that click the remove columns. Step 7: Click the field which you want to rename. Now we’ll rename the row as row ID. Step 8: Text analytics differences between Tableau and power bi. With tableau, you’ll have to connect that with Python and after that, you need to import packages and so on. But in power bi directly you have AI-backed powered features like text analytics, and vision as your machine learning AI insight section. Now we’ll click on Text Analytics. Step 9: Now, click on score sentiment. So, in the text we’ll select the column name and the column name over there would be the comment. Second one is the Language ISO code which is optional so we are not going with that for now. Step 10: Now, we’ll have a sentiment score for each comment. You can see that one new row has been added as a score sentiment. That is by AI only. And boom, you can see the score sentiment has been updated for every comment over there. We have got the numbers, but we’ll try to make it like a tableau where we have the color code as well. So, we go to the report and we’ll open a new page, a brand new page. After that click the lower one. So we’ll select comments and then we’ll select score sentiment. Remember that it will vary from zero to one. In Tableau, it will vary from -1 to 1. So if you are close to zero means a negative comment, close to one means a positive comment, and around 0.5 means neutral command. And after this, we can go to sentiment analysis, conditional formatting, and background color. It’s like orange to blue. We can sort this out so that we have positive comments at the top itself. Now, we’re done with sentiment analysis on Power BI. I hope this post was useful for you and it will help you to kick-start your journey in Text sentiment analysis with Power bi. Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp
Incremental Refresh-Power BI

Why do we need incremental refresh? By offering automated partition formation and maintenance for dataset tables that often load new and updated data, incremental refresh procedures expand planned refresh activities. For the majority of datasets, this is one or more tables, similar to a fact table in a relational or star database structure, that hold transaction data, which changes often and can increase enormously. The amount of data that needs to be refreshed can be greatly reduced while still ensuring that even the most recent changes at the data source are included in the query results. This can be achieved by using an incremental refresh policy to partition the table, refreshing only the most recent import partition(s), and optionally utilising an additional DirectQuery partition for real-time data. With the Zomato delivery system, I tried to make the incremental refresh notion simpler. The choice thus comes down to an incremental refresh vs. a full refresh. Consider Zomato’s operations while contemplating incremental refresh. I hope you might have ordered with Zomato at-least once An order may enter a number of states after being placed, including new order, in progress, pending, and closed, before quickly closing. Technically speaking, we comprehend that the entire procedure should be completed in around an hour for a business like Zomato where it is important to deliver on time. Sometimes they even offer you a free meal if the item is not delivered on time To be safe, we can prolong this for 24 hours (for example resolving any escalation or so). Therefore, you can forgo duplicating the static data and switch to incremental mode if you are running a reporting environment where you need to duplicate this data on a daily basis. Please watch the entire video to see a variety of additional examples that should make it easier for you to understand the complex idea of incremental refresh; we’ll shortly present the implementation portion of this video in the second part of this series, hence stay tuned Share Share Course Page Link Share on social media Facebook Twitter Linkedin Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp
Power BI Certification

In this video, I share my experience with Power BI PL 300 Certification, and I hope it will help you plan for the important event. The Power BI data analyst delivers actionable insights by leveraging available data and applying domain expertise. The Power BI data analyst collaborates with key stakeholders across verticals to identify business requirements, cleans and transforms the data, and then designs and builds data models using Power BI. Here is the certificate that I was looking for Skills measured Prepare the data (15-20%).Data modelling (30-35%)Visualize and analyse the data (25-30%)Asset deployment and maintenance (20-25%) Please note this learning path, which is a must to refer to or start with Training Material I am sharing some of the links that helped me on this journey of PL 300 certification. 1.Exam Guide: 2.Course Download: 3.Learning Path: 4. It makes sense to purchase a quick crash (10 hour or so) course from Udemy that is exclusively for PL-300; please check the ratings, which should be around 4.5 or higher. You can also purchase a mock-test for Power BI-PL-300. 5. My PL-300 Playlist Series Sample Questions – PL-300 – YouTube Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp