Exploring Tableau’s Vision and the Future of Analytics

Hello everyone, my name is Ritesh, and you’re watching “Dancing With Data.” Today, we’re diving into the Tableau keynote video from Reinforce 2024. This session is packed with insights about Tableau’s vision and the future of analytics, with over 60% of the time dedicated to AI. But that’s not all—they also showcased a very insightful demo, which I’ll walk you through, highlighting a unified solution that leverages Salesforce CRM. Celebrating Five Years of Innovation The keynote kicked off with a celebration of Tableau’s five-year anniversary—congratulations to the team! One of the standout announcements was the introduction of Tableau Pulse and Tableau Agent. Curious about what Tableau Agent is? Let’s delve into it. https://youtu.be/-Iwf62vK88Q The Need for Tableau Agent Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to make a quick decision, but couldn’t find the necessary data or dashboard? This is a common challenge many of us face. Often, insights are overlooked or ignored because users can’t trust the data or the insights derived from it. Additionally, the data landscape is becoming increasingly large and fragmented, making it harder to manage and utilize effectively. Addressing Common BI Challenges Tableau Agent aims to address these issues by providing a reliable and unified solution. It helps users find the right data quickly, ensuring that the insights are trustworthy. Moreover, it tackles the problem of reusability in the BI ecosystem. Whether it’s a prep flow or a visualization, Tableau Agent makes it easier to reuse and monetize what you build. Live Demonstration To give us a better understanding, let’s move on to the live demonstration. Please check the above video for detailed analysis Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp

How ChatGPT solved end to end Tableau Use case?

ChatGPT ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that can respond well to human questions. It has lately been all over the internet with examples of people pushing the limits, anticipating who it will fire, and marveling at its capacity to develop sophisticated solutions. ChatGPT creating a bar chart with a reference line also solved the scenario with the condition with the calculated field as well using Windows function or say fixed LOD functions as well and it gave me almost end to end and that includes the addressing and partitioning as well in some of the cases it won’t satisfy but almost end to end. So, how knowledgeable is ChatGPT when it comes to Tableau? Watch the video below https://youtu.be/pIVlJChzI-o let’s see how much it can solve right. Question: I’m using Tableau and I’ve created a bar chart to measure sales at the row shelf and dimension category and sub-category at the column shelf how can I create a reference line which can show average sales within each category and color the bars above this line with a different color? SoI just posed this question chatGPT and let us see what is outcome Wow! it was quick enough to give me the step-by-step instructions within seconds. Now we need to check the validity and correctness of the given steps.   Let us try to just follow the steps: Step 1: Let’s open Tableau and do it from scratch.Drag the category and subcategory in the column shells and also drive the sales in a row. Step 2: Right-click on the “Sales” measure on the “Row” shelf and select “Add Reference Line”. The average option under the value and the scope is per pane. Step 3: A calculation (above average) with Windows function. Right-click anywhere in the “Data” pane and select “Create Calculated Field”. In the calculation editor, enter the following formula. SUM([Sales]) > WINDOW_AVG(SUM([Sales])) This formula compares each bar’s sales value to the average sales value within each category. Click “Apply” and then click “OK” to create the calculated field. Step 4: Click on the calculation (above average). Select the compute using and then click the pane(across). Everywhere crossing the average line its color is orange otherwise it’s blue. So, the final View with chatGPT By following these steps, you should now have a bar chart with a reference line showing the average sales within each category, and the bars above the average line will be colored differently, making them visually distinct. This visualization can help identify sub-categories with sales above or below the average more easily. Tableau Workbook https://public.tableau.com/app/profil… This is my website dancing with data.com where I talk about data analytics with power bi and Tableau. This post was helpful for you and will help you to know about chatGpt solved the Tableau problem end to end. Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp

Custom Reset button with Tableau

While working with numerous filters, a reset button comes in helpful to rapidly return to the initial position or set of filters. With Tableau, you have to create a separate sheet over there itself and then use action.Please click the link below to download the reset button, and you can follow along with me while I also give you the test workbook. Please feel free to download the workbook & icon from here Let’s start from scratch. https://youtu.be/4F7RrM5LRuQ Step 1:  Create a new sheet and name it “Reset”. The Next Step would be to hide this. Step 2: Click on the Shape card and select a shape you want to display for your Reset button. Select the reset icon for this example  Adjust the size using the Size card. Step 3: Select and move the reset button Go back to my dashboard which is the emission environment and pull my reset button there. Make it float and pull to the right-hand side Step 4: Readjustment So, firstly hide the title because the icon is self-sufficient so I’m just hiding this header. Make it float and pull to the right-hand side  To remove the row lines, click on format. Inside the format borders row, make none to row divider. Step 5: Now the final part is to create a dashboard Action to create the reset functionality. 1.  From the menu, select Dashboard/Actions 2. Add Action of type filter with the following settings. In the Target Filters, select Add Filter and add the fields for which you want to reset the filters.(all the filters in the dashboard) You will get a warning “Missing fields on Reset”, you can ignore it. Using Actions on the dashboard will conclude all the steps. Now clicking on the reset button next to the filters will reset all the filters at the same time. This technique can be used to reset any number of filters. Step 6: Workbook publishes to the public So, firstly go to the server and click on this and go to the published workbook. I am publishing this to the public so that you can make full use of it. Here is the link Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp

Tableau Integration with Python – Latest

Despite the fact that Tableau can offer you statistical features like forecasting.In order to advance your study, you must link Tableau with Python or R because those features alone do not address the fundamentals of data science. Python is a well-liked general-purpose programming language that is used extensively in both industry and academics.It offers a wide range of machine learning and statistical techniques and is very expandable. Do you wish to extract a report with a list of Tableau Data-sources that are not accessible or are you interested in sentiment analysis using Tableau Desktop? then you’ve arrived to the right place. https://youtu.be/Y0miBXnsMAU TabPy (the Tableau Python Server) is an Analytics Extension implementation that expands Tableau’s capabilities by allowing users to execute Python scripts and saved functions via Tableau’s table calculations. The lethal combo of Python and Tableau can meet the data analysis needs of any enterprise.R scripts can now be called in calculated fields using R Server [Rserve()] thanks to a feature added by Tableau in 2013 called the R Integration [since Tableau 8.1]. With the introduction of Tableau 10.1, Python is now available. Please watch the video for a complete, step-by-step explanation of Tableau Python Integration. Numerous blogs may contain a lot of instructions and directives. I’m merely attempting to provide you with the quickest path to a productive Tableau Python integration. First things first, gentlemen, let’s head over to Anaconda.com and install the same, so let’s do that. Download Anaconda now for the simplest way to use Python, data science, and machine learning on a single computer. 1.Install Anaconda (visit www.anaconda.com) 2.You can see the anaconda3 folder within your directory 3.Activate Base (base)      C:UsersRiteshBishtanaconda3Scripts>activate base 4. python -m pip install –upgrade pip 5. python -m pip install tableauserverclient 6. pip install tabpy  7. pip install vaderSentiment (for Sentiment Analysis later) 8. Run C:UsersRiteshBishtanaconda3Scripts>tabpy.exe After completing the aforementioned procedures, open the tableau worksheet to establish a connection with the Tab Py server. 9. Select “Help” > “Setting and Performance” > “Manage Analytics Extension Connection”. 10.Insert Hostname as “localhost” and port as 9004 11.Click on “Test Connection” & ensure that connection is established as shown below. “Successfully connected to the analytics extensions“ You can create a scatter plot using Tableau fields Segment > Columns, Sales > Columns and Profit > Rows, you can replicate the RHS view. So, if you look at my Tableau workbook, I have a calculated field called “Python-Corr.” I’m using script, and I just want to use the Python statistical package to see the coefficient of correlation. Open a Calculated field as “Python-Corr” and copy the below code SCRIPT_REAL(“import numpy as np return np.corrcoef(_arg1,_arg2)[0,1]”,sum([Sales]), sum([Profit])) Sales and Profit are acting as _arg1 and _arg2 respectively and we expect to calculate the coefficient of correlation. Drag the calculation “Python-Corr” to “Color” Marks & ensure you are Computing using Customer ID Just hover on any Customer ID and you will see the coefficient of correlation between Sales and Profit for that customer (can be seen below) Follow the Tableau Python Video (above) &  use the formula below to determine the relationship between sales and profit.  As an added bonus, I’d want to provide you with a script that will retrieve a list of data sources. This gives you countless options to modify the script and address common problems.( getting list of unused data sources since 3 months etc) import tableauserverclient as TSC tableau_auth = TSC.TableauAuth(“username@domain.com”, “password”, “sitename”) server = TSC.Server(“https://yourservernameonline.tableau.com/”) with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth): all_datasources, pagination_item = server.datasources.get() print(“nThere are {} datasources on site: “.format(pagination_item.total_available)) print([datasource.name for datasource in all_datasources]) Links that are helpful for discussing Tableau Python integration Installation of Anaconda at https://www.anaconda.com TabPy documentations are available at https://developer.tableau.com/tools/python-integration-tabpy Link to Tableau on GitHub : https://tableau.github.io/TabPy      4. Community Post on Tableau-Python Integration  I hope you like this  post was useful for you and it will help you to kick-start your journey in the data science world of Tableau Share Share Course Page Link Share on social media  Facebook  Twitter  Linkedin Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp

Tableau 2022.4 Features from Community

There are a lot of new features that came from the Tableau Community in addition to Image Role! To provide more effective—and straightforward—ways to complete typical chores, Tableau is introducing three essential improvements that were motivated by your suggestions. Replace Current sheet datasource Previously, changing a data source would have an effect on all worksheets that used it. You may now choose to change the data source solely for the active worksheet. This update creates chances to make time savings. For instance, to give highly relevant visualisations on the appropriate data, you may now construct a templated worksheet, duplicate it, and modify the data source on each page. https://youtu.be/EZ3EZ_C2G-I PROPER() Instead of using laborious workaround computations, you can format strings with correct case text using the new PROPER() function. To ensure that your content is formatted as your end users anticipate, this function offers a straightforward method to transform text strings to suitable case. If you are working with BIG data, you won’t need to employ any string functions here, and it will also increase the system’s performance. PROPER will arrange things for you correctly. https://dancesingwithdata.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/PROPER.mp4 Hyperlink Text It’s now simpler to hyperlink text to provide context and make it easy for end users to access other knowledge sources. When using the rich text editor, you can add and edit hyperlinks by selecting the new link button in the toolbar, which is available to keyboard-only users. Use this functionality by adding a new context to your title while on the web rather than Tableau desktop . https://dancesingwithdata.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Hyper_Link.mp4 I hope you like the new features that were created in response to community requests; we have been waiting for some of these for a while and look forward to more and improved features. Share Share Course Page Link Share on social media  Facebook  Twitter  Linkedin Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp

LOD Functions with Cricket Data

LOD expressions, also referred to as level of detail expressions, let you calculate values at both the data source level and the visualisation level. You have even more choice over the degree of granularity you want to compute, though, thanks to LOD expressions. They can be carried out at a more detailed level (INCLUDE), a less detailed level (EXCLUDE), or a level that is completely autonomous (FIXED). The several kinds of LOD expressions that Tableau supports, when to use them, and formatting instructions are all covered in this article. It also offers a cricket example, which should make understanding this the most straightforward for you. Types of LOD expressions .There are three types of LOD expressions you can create in Tableau:(official definitions) FIXED level of detail expressions compute a value using the specified dimensions, without reference to the dimensions in the view. INCLUDE level of detail expressions compute values using the specified dimensions in addition to whatever dimensions are in the view. EXCLUDE level of detail expressions declare dimensions to omit from the view level of detail. EXCLUDE level of detail expressions are useful for ‘percent of total’ or ‘difference from overall average’ scenarios. They are comparable to such features as Totals and Reference Line https://youtu.be/JMGTuTr1L0w For you to easily comprehend the three types of LOD, we offer a particular cricket dataset. Together, we will learn all three LOD functions using cricket data; please watch the above video to view the results in more detail. Happy learning! Share Share Course Page Link Share on social media  Facebook  Twitter  Linkedin Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp

Tableau Certification Tips

Tableau Certification Tips – Starter I hope you like this video, which will talk about Tableau Specialist, Tableau Desktop Certified Associate, and Tableau Server Associate. Let me know your views in the comment section of this YouTube video. I wish you all the best! https://youtu.be/ggAc3jSKrfY In this video, I am discussing my 3 Tableau Certifications. I will also give you some tips and tricks that may help you prepare better for your examination. First, I will discuss Tableau Specialist Certification. This exam is for those who have foundational skills and understanding of Tableau Desktop and at least three months of experience applying this understanding to the product. Be sure to review the full Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam Prep Guide before registering. Tableau Specialist Certification is the first level of certification.  Time Limit: 60 minutes (includes 3 minutes for reviewing the NDA).Exam Check-in: Check-in begins 30 minutes before the scheduled exam time.Question Format: Multiple choice, Multiple responseNumber of Questions: 45 (40 scored, 5 unscored)Scoring: Candidate’s score will be presented after the exam in the ‘View Score Reports’ tab oftheir Pearson VUE account.Passing Score: The passing scaled score for the Desktop Specialist exam is 750.Language(s) Offered: English; translated exams to follow.Exam Delivery Provider: Pearson VUEExam Delivery Method: Testing center and online delivery are both available. Learn more aboutthe check-in process and testing experience for each method here. Second, I will discuss Tableau Desktop Qualified Associate (TDQA). A Tableau Certified Associate Consultant is highly skilled at working with business professionals to develop and share dashboards to derive data-driven insights. This certification exam is geared towards individuals with 6–12 months of Tableau-specific experience and an advanced proficiency in dashboard design and analytics. A Tableau Certified Associate Consultant is highly skilled at working with business professionals to develop and share dashboards to derive the data-driven insights. This certification exam is geared towards individuals with 6-12 months of Tableau-specific experience and an advanced proficiency in dashboard design and analytics. Time Limit: 2 hours (Please plan for extra time for online exam setup)Passing Score: 75%Number of Questions: 36Scoring: Automatically scored; point value varies according to question type with hands-on questions worthmoreQuestion Format: Multiple choice, multiple response, true/false, hands-onLanguage(s) Offered: English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, German, French, Brazilian Portuguese,International SpanishDelivery Platform: Windows Virtual Machine containing Tableau Desktop To prepare for this exam, Partners should study the Analyst Learning Path and Designer Learning Paths and take the skills assessments Partners should review the Tableau Exam Guide: Associate Consultant (See Below)Partners should also become familiar with the Tableau Blueprint Last but not least, I will cover Tableau Server Associate. This exam is for those who have a comprehensive understanding of Tableau Server functionality in a single-machine environment and approximately 4-6 months of experience. System Administrator and Consultant are examples of typical roles. Be sure to review the full Server Certified Associate Exam Prep Guide before registering. Exam Format Time Limit: 90 minutes total (3 minutes for reviewing the NDA; 87 minutes for exam) Exam Check-in: Check-in begins 30 minutes before the scheduled exam time. Question Format: Multiple choice, Multiple response Number of Questions: 55 (50 scored; 5 unscored)  Scoring: Candidate’s score will be presented after the exam in the ‘View Score Reports’ tab of their Pearson VUE account Passing Score: The passing scaled score for the Server Certified Associate exam is 750. Language(s) Offered: English; translated exams to follow. • Exam Delivery Provider: Pearson VUE • Exam Delivery Method: Testing center and online delivery are both available. Learn more about the check-in process and testing experience for each method her Tableau Certification Key Links Below are some of the key links that might assist you with your preparation Parent Link to Certification  ►  Certification (tableau.com) System Hardware requirements ► https://prod.examity.com/systemcheck/check.aspx Refer community post ►  https://community.tableau.com/s/question/0D54T00000FXmKCSA1/tableau-certification-issue-with-loyalist-remote-connection-suspended-midway Preparation Guide Desktop Associate ►  https://mkt.tableau.com/files/DesktopCA_ExamGuide.pdf Go through preparation guide Preparation Guide Desktop Specialist ►  https://mkt.tableau.com/files/DesktopSpecialist_ExamGuide.pdf Preparation Guide Server Associate ►  Microsoft Word – TableauServerCertifiedAssociate_Exam Guide.docx Share Share Course Page Link Share on social media  Facebook  Twitter  Linkedin Ritesh Bisht Founder of Dance & Sing with Data “Ritesh is 2 times Tableau Ambassador & 1 time Power BI Super User from India and has been featured in the Top 15 Tableau & Power BI World Communities” Found me on: Linkedin Twitter Youtube Whatsapp